понедельник, 27 февраля 2012 г.

The Devil's Wedding

This is a story of one house at Rataskaevu street whose former owner had wasted away his wealth and had no future. One night he became so desperate that he decided to take his life. At the fatal moment a stranger entered the room asking the broke landlords permission to celebrate a wedding on the top floor of his house the following night. In reward he promised the man all the riches but only on onecondition: no one would eavesdrop on the feast otherwise it would cost the eavesdropper his life. The landlord agreed.

At the appointed time the carriages started arriving at the door and lights were lit up on the top floor window. Fabulous music sounded and the whole house shook as if under the weight of great number of dancers. When the clock struck one the whole apparition disappeared.

The landlord the day before head over ears in dept was expecting a huge sum of money. At the same time his butler died unexpectedly and before he died the butler revealed he had been eavesdropping on the devils wedding.

At Rataskaevu number 16 there is nowadays a house with a painted window; the landlord had the corner room walled up for ever and to hide the fact he had a proper window with curtains painted on the wall.

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