четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.

Physical Activity Can Boost Kids’ Brains

1. What do scientists say about physucal exercises?
2. What does make new brain cells grow?
3. Who does preform better on memoru tests and who worse?
4. How many minutes shoul kids exercise a day?
5. Which kind of food is calling "brain food"?
6. How imporatant sleep in children's life?
7. Which kind of food is the best food for brain wrking?

1 комментарий:

  1. Task 1.
    1) physical *
    2) what makes *
    3) Jana I tnihk that question must be : Which children performs better memory tests and which not?
    4) How many minutes a day should kids do exercise?
    5) Which kind of food called "brain food"?
    6) How important is sleeping in children life?
    7) Which kind of food is the best for brain work?

    Task 2.
    1) They said that physical exercise helps children think better.
    2) New brain cells makes grow a protein.
    3) Memory tests better perform the children who are acctive and fit.
    4) Kids should do exercice 90 minutes a day.
    5) Fish, eggs, seeds and nuts, are “brain foods.”
    6) Sleep is important because it helps to strengthen the brain.
    7) The best food for brain work are fruits and vegetables.
