четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.


BUSY AS A BEE - трудяга
THE BEE'S KNEES - высший сорт
TO HAVE A BEE IN YOUR BONNET - быть помешанным на чем-то

Are traditions important?

  At first, in order to answer this question we need to define what traditions are and which part they act in our lifes.
  So, it is some kind of activities that are passed on from generation to generation in the certain group of people. They exist for centuries under the sun. There are great variety of traditions. They can be as family's as worldwide's. In my opinion, the main point of traditions is to give us a sense of belonging. They provide us entertainment, creat a fun and memorable ceremony for people to come together. E.g. family's traditions help you to become closer to your relatives. Many of them came to stay in our routine that some people may not realize that they deal with tradition.
  In conclusion, we can say firmly that traditions are really important. Moreover, they help us to enrich our spiritual world.

среда, 30 октября 2013 г.


   The headline of the article I have read is "Facebook, your parents and you". I t was piblished in British Council Magazine on the 16th of April 2012. The author of this article is Sophie Newnham.
   The article provides information on the role of Facebook in paretns and child's relationship. 
   The author starts be telling about new thcnology meaning, according which everyone can your location wherever you are. Then author writes about advantades and disadvantages of Facebook. She tells that with the help of Facebook we can share where we are to make our friends and parents sure that we are safe. On the other hand; she says that our parents can indicate on our Facebooks some private information that they don't need to know (for example how much fast-food we were able to consume over a weekend).
   Author comes to the conclusion that Facebook is rather good thing. We just should choose the right setting on our newtworks.
   I think that Facebook is useful and it is good thing that we can be friends with our parents in social networks.

среда, 3 апреля 2013 г.

Task: Electricity is a recent discovery. Think of 12 things to do when there’s no power.

 Electricity is everywhere. Even now I can write here with a help of elevtricity. As we know, it is a relatively recent discovery, which entered in our daily life about 400 years ago. Despite this fact, a lot of people are depended on it and can't imagine their lives without it. Almost the whole life of modern man is connected with electricity and only one thought about the disappearance of it can lead him to depression. But sometimes there can be some problems with our "source of life" and people can be at a loss what to do. Actually, we can found out quite huge amount of activities, but here is useful and exciting top 12 made by me:

1. You can have a good sleep.
 2. You can read book by candlelight.
3. You can meet you friends and do a puppet show or do it with your family members.
4. You can play different board games with your family members or friends.
5. You can do some sport exercises.
 6. You can try to write or to paint something. May be you will found out your hidden talent.
7. You can cook very tasty food over fire.
8. You can try to write letters to your friends or family members and send it by post, not by e-mail!
9. You can take some pictures or film something with your family or friends. It can be very good memoirs.
10.You can build a tent in your house and pretend you're camping.
11. You can meditate. It can really help you to forget about all you troubles!
12. You can play hide and seek with your family and friends. In the evening without electricity it will be very funny!

Hope you liked it. Wish you unforgettable moments without electricity!

вторник, 19 февраля 2013 г.

World Education Games

Daer teacher! Good day! How are you today? Today we have registered on the website World Education Games. The registration was successful and quick. I would like to thank you for the idea to take part in this kind of competition! I hope it will be very interesting and useful practice for us. Best wishes, Jana.

среда, 9 января 2013 г.