среда, 15 декабря 2010 г.

Christmas Traditions in British.

English love to decorate Christmas Trees and hang up evergreen branches. They have custom to put gifts into sock or stockings. For him exist like this : "Father Christmas" has travelled by air and penetrated into houses through the pipes. When he descended into one of the houses, he dropped several coins in sock, which have hanged above the hearth. Since then, on Christmas Eve people began to hang socks and stockings in the hope,that something fall there.In England the traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and sauces. For dessert it is rich, fruity Christmas pudding with brandy sauce.

четверг, 11 ноября 2010 г.

What do I use a computer for.

I use a compuer every evening. I use a computer for doing my homework, sending e-mails, speaking with friends and sometimes playing games.

вторник, 12 октября 2010 г.

This is Tom Dice. He is a Belgium singer and songwriter. He was born on the 25th of November in 1989 in Eeklo. He wrote his 1st song when he was 12 years old. He became the most famous and popular when he represented Belgium at the "Eurovision" Song Contest 2010.
Tom Dice is good-looking. He has got big, blue eyes. He has got long, brown hair. He has got short, blond beard. Tom has got oval, pale face. He is tall and thin.
Tom is wearing comfortable and fashionable clothes. He is wearing blue shirt wiht black braces. He is wearing beige trousers.
In this photo he is pensive and serious. And in this photo he with his guitar and we can straight away understand that he is musician. I like him and I usually listen to his music.

среда, 1 сентября 2010 г.


Happy New Year!

среда, 7 апреля 2010 г.

My hobby.

My hobby is dancing. I go to dance three times a week after school. There we stage new dances, do aerobic exercising. I go to dance already eight years. In my spare time i like drawing, making friendship-bracelets, reading and ice skating.

четверг, 25 февраля 2010 г.

proverbs or sayings about food

Eat to live and not live to eat.(Ем,чтобы жить,а не живу для того чтобы есть).
All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.(Всё счастье зависит от неторопливого завтрака).

Hunger never saw bad bread.(Голод никогда не видел плохого хлеба).

Appetite comes with eating.(Аппетит приходит во время еды).

After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile.(После обеда отдыхают некоторое время, после ужина проходят милю).

четверг, 21 января 2010 г.

The Arms of Great Britain.

The Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom have evolved over many years and reflect the history of the Monarchy and og the country.The shield shows the various royal emblems of different parts of the UK:the three lions of England in the first and fourth quarters,the lion of Scotlan in the second and the harp of Ireland in the third.It is surrounded by a garter bearing the motto'Evil to him who evil thinks'.The shield is supported by the English lion and Scotish unicorn and is surmounted by the Royal croan.Below it appears the motto of the Sovereign'God and my right'.


понедельник, 11 января 2010 г.


Today i have made my blog.