среда, 28 января 2015 г.

Palaeolithic diet: Should we all eat like cavepeople?

Read the following article and answer the questions.


1. What is the main reason for the "Palaeolithic diet"?
2. What was changed by our modern diets?
3. Is it true that we are biologically identical to Stone Age humans? 
4. Should we consume the same food that Stone Age people used to eat?
5. Is this diet healthier for modern people?

Find the words in the article that suit the definitions below.

1. The way in which something gradually changes and develops.
2. To state something publicly.
3. To avoid doing something, especially for moral reasons.
4. Fact or physical signs that help to prove something.
5. Special importance or attention that is given to one thing in particular.

вторник, 20 января 2015 г.

How I quit my job to travel: The blogger

Read the text filling the gaps (1-5) with paragraphs (A-F). There is an extra paragraph.
It was sunny and the trees had just started to sprout leaves the day I quit my job to travel. As a contract administrator for a shipping company, I’d spent 2012 working in a windowless office in Washington DC – and while it was a great job for a 25-year-old, potentially even a good career, it was not what I wanted. I wanted to write stories and see the world.
The seeds of this decision were sown two years earlier, in 2010, when I graduated college and moved to Spain to teach English. I exchanged my university texts for kids' books and spent my spare time travelling around Europe, documenting it all in my blog, Young Adventuress. I had no idea that the blog would eventually turn into a business that sustains me to this day.
Writing, on the other hand, continued to make me happy. And during those two years in Spain, my blog had grown a large following of dedicated readers. I faced a tough decision: quit and pursue writing full-time, or play it safe and keep a good job.
Every night when I came home from my desk job I would work on my blog. I spent a year building up the content, growing my social media following and setting up freelance writing contracts, so that I would have guaranteed paid work once I quit. Halfway through the year I took a week off and flew to Turkey on my first press trip to see if I would actually like travelling full-time and traipsing around a new destination every day. A few months later I was invited to explore Jordan for a few weeks, and I knew the time had come to make the final leap. I planned out my trips for the rest of the year, booked my flights, set up freelance work and sold my car (my last strong tie to my old life) before setting off. The plan? Fly to Jordan, where I made friends with Bedouins under the stars in the Wadi Rum and ate more hummus and kunefe than I could have ever imagined. Then I road-tripped through some of the most remote parts of Iceland under the midnight summer sun. And finally, I hopped on a one-way flight to New Zealand.
Since quitting my job, I’ve sailed off the coast of Italy and Greece; dived shipwrecks in Bali and Thailand; ridden horses across the high mountains of western Mongolia; slept under the stars on Australia ‘s Great Barrier Reef; and chased elves in Iceland. Not once have I regretted my decision to leave my job in Washington DC.
Sometimes I wish for those regular paychecks, for the ease of turning off my computer at 5 pm on a Friday and knowing what will happen the next week, month and year. But then I pinch myself, look out the window at snowcapped mountains and remember where my choices have brought me.
Through all this, I have achieved my goal of becoming a writer, blogger,Instagrammer, whatever you want to call me; I did it. I gave up a comfortable life to pursue personal happiness – hopefully proving that dreams really do come true, if you work for them.

A My first year abroad was one of trial and error, with my business and work evolving month to month. Now the majority of my income comes from partnering with like-minded brands, helping to share their story on my blog and on social media. In many ways I work harder than I ever have before, but doing it on my terms makes it worth it.
B It’s been almost two years since I quit my job, and I’m now based in Wanaka, a tiny town in New Zealand’s South Island. At virtually the end of the world, it was recommended by my readers as somewhere I might like to live. Tucked away next to the towering mountains of Mt Aspiring National Park and next to a pristine crystal blue alpine lake, it is one of the few places in the world where I see myself living long-term.
C Inside, their acres of kitsch design seem even sorrier than a seaside funfair out-of-season. All that marble, those wall tiles, the broad, Hollywood-like stairs − leading nowhere today − and sorry details like a sign on a wall of the Crestwood Court mall, St Louis, reading “Rest Easy”, is both a little trashy and rather poignant.
D My path has been far from linear, and it has definitely been a rollercoaster of emotions, failures, freak-outs and learning experiences. Two years ago I wanted to see as much of the world as possible, tick items off a bucket list and collect stamps in my passport. Now I prefer to travel slowly, really dig in my heels and get to know a country. I enjoy going back to places I’ve been before and seeing them in a new light.
E While I felt guilty for wanting something different to the norm, I knew that returning to the world of writing and travelling was the right choice, and I began planning my next move straight away. This time, my goal was to move to New Zealand: the Land of the Long White Cloud. For Americans under 30, it’s a relatively easy place to get a yearlong visa. Not to mention, the country’s epic landscapes, pristine wilderness and snowy mountains had captured my imagination since watching the first Lord of the Rings film a decade earlier. This goal kept me sane during a year of work, while I squirreled away as much money as I could and wrote every day.
F After two years, my teaching contracts ended, so I said hasta luego to my life on the Iberian Peninsula and moved back in with my parents to work a nine-to-five desk job in Washington DC, dealing with financial reviews, company deadlines, terrible co-workers and fax machines that never worked.
Answer the following questions as briefly as possible.
1. What did her wish for travelling start from?
2. What did Liz do to become a successful blogger?
3. What was the point of the trip to Turkey?
4. How does Liz Carison earn money?
5. What was the last step to end with her old life?
6. Does Liz regret about her choice?

вторник, 25 ноября 2014 г.

Formal letter to the author.

                                                                                                                                        25 November

Dear Hannah Roberts,

I have red your article on the topic about the Italian nurse Daniela Poggiali who killed 38 patients. You came up with a really interesting topic. In my letter I would like to express my opinion about it.

News about this accident shocked me when I firstly heard it. I also think that everyone who finds out about this news is feeling the same way. It seems awful to know that all this happened in hospital where people are supposed to get a professional help. Despite the fact that I consider this point of view that there is a logical explanation for every situation happening, I am not able to find any for this one and explanation of Mrs Poggiali are really strange and illogical.

Hope that there will be more logical facts and fair punishment for this accident.

Yours faithfully,

Jana Konovalova.

пятница, 23 мая 2014 г.

Bananas are actually a herb, nad other fun fruit facts.


1. What is banana and where does it grow?
2. What shape can have watermelon?
3. Are tomato a fruit or vegetable? (botanically)
4. Why is tomato known as vegetable?
5. What family memebers are plums, peaches and pears?
6. When can grapefriut juice be dangerous?
7. What common vegetables are classed as fruit?

четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.


BUSY AS A BEE - трудяга
THE BEE'S KNEES - высший сорт
TO HAVE A BEE IN YOUR BONNET - быть помешанным на чем-то

Are traditions important?

  At first, in order to answer this question we need to define what traditions are and which part they act in our lifes.
  So, it is some kind of activities that are passed on from generation to generation in the certain group of people. They exist for centuries under the sun. There are great variety of traditions. They can be as family's as worldwide's. In my opinion, the main point of traditions is to give us a sense of belonging. They provide us entertainment, creat a fun and memorable ceremony for people to come together. E.g. family's traditions help you to become closer to your relatives. Many of them came to stay in our routine that some people may not realize that they deal with tradition.
  In conclusion, we can say firmly that traditions are really important. Moreover, they help us to enrich our spiritual world.

среда, 30 октября 2013 г.


   The headline of the article I have read is "Facebook, your parents and you". I t was piblished in British Council Magazine on the 16th of April 2012. The author of this article is Sophie Newnham.
   The article provides information on the role of Facebook in paretns and child's relationship. 
   The author starts be telling about new thcnology meaning, according which everyone can your location wherever you are. Then author writes about advantades and disadvantages of Facebook. She tells that with the help of Facebook we can share where we are to make our friends and parents sure that we are safe. On the other hand; she says that our parents can indicate on our Facebooks some private information that they don't need to know (for example how much fast-food we were able to consume over a weekend).
   Author comes to the conclusion that Facebook is rather good thing. We just should choose the right setting on our newtworks.
   I think that Facebook is useful and it is good thing that we can be friends with our parents in social networks.